Our Strategy & Innovation Programs

Our Strategy & Innovation Programs

Successful strategies and innovations are key to business growth

A brilliant strategy and unique innovations can earn your company recognition as a serious competitor with a strong brand within a global market. It is all about differentiation which can be reached with a unique business strategy and innovative approaches or even innovation itself.

Get to know our programs on strategic management, strategy development, strategic decision making and innovation:

Bootcamp: The Power of Generative AI
3 x 2-hour online sessions
For business managers, entrepreneurs & strategy teams

Interactive & practice-oriented | six-hour virtual bootcamp | ChatGPT & generative AI |Practical skills & techniques | For business managers, entrepreneurs & strategy teams

Strategy Essentials Program
3 days
For young managers

Learn to develop and implement strategies that align with your organization's goals. This strategy program provides comprehensive training for effective strategic management and sustainable growth.

Innovation & Corporate Entrepreneurship Essentials Program
3 days
For young managers

Interactive program | 3 days | Practical tools & agile methods for innovation | Guest lectures from experienced practitioners | For young professionals, middle managers, & executives

More networking, more depth - our extensive programs:

You don't have the time for a complete course of study, but would still like to continue your education at the university level? Opt for one of our extensive programs (9-26 attendance days) and not only expand your general management skills, but also earn ECTS credits for possible follow-up studies.

Online Certified in Strategy & Digitalization
Summer 2025
4 x 4 weeks (17 hours/week)
For young managers

Online Certification | 4 x 4 weeks | Virtual learning | MBA level | Innovative teaching methods | High flexibility | Global networking | Certificate incl. 10 ECTS credits | For young & middle managers

Online Certified in Value Chain Management
Spring 2026
4 x 4 weeks (17 hours/week)
For young managers

Online Certification | 4 x 4 weeks | Virtual learning | MBA level | Innovative teaching methods | High flexibility | Global networking | Certificate incl. 10 ECTS credits | For young & middle managers

More Questions? Contact us
More Questions? Contact usNikola Nakov & Yvonne KrackAdmissions Team Executive Education Open Programs