WHU’s Executive Education #2 in Germany
WHU among Germany’s best Executive Education program providers, placing #33 worldwide in the 2024 Financial Times ranking for Open Programs.Learn more!
Financial Times Executive Education Ranking 2024

Financial Times Executive Education Ranking 2024

WHU ranks #33 worldwide for Open Programs and #57 worldwide for Customized Programs

The Financial Times has issued the latest edition of its Executive Education Ranking, taking a close look at programs designed specifically for experienced business leaders and other professionals. WHU’s Open Programs have been ranked #33 worldwide in the recent Financial Times Executive Education Ranking 2024 and maintains its position at #2 in Germany. The Open Programs performed noticeably well in the categories “preparation”, “international participants”, and “satisfaction with faculty”. The Customized Programs have been placed at #57 worldwide, #3 in Germany. They performed specifically well in the categories “partner schools”, “aims achieved", and “teaching methods and materials”.

About the Financial Times Executive Education Ranking

The Financial Times Executive Education Ranking is the most important Business School ranking for university-based Executive Education providers. The ranking is published once per year, being a reliable source of information for managers and executives looking for a further education training.To be ranked by the FT, business schools must be recognized by at least one of the main accreditation agencies, the AACSB (American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business) and (EFMD European Quality Improvement System). Additionally, they need to have reported annual revenues of at least $1mn generated from their Customized or Open Programs. For Open Programs this year’s ranking lists 80 schools in total, for Customized Programs 90 schools are listed. The rankings results are calculated on the basis of statistical information provided by the Business Schools and participant surveys. This year’s ranking methodology can be found here.