WHU’s Executive Education #2 in Germany
WHU among Germany’s best Executive Education program providers, placing #33 worldwide in the 2024 Financial Times ranking for Open Programs.Learn more!
Financing Options

Financing Options

On this page you will find information on financing options for WHU’s Executive Education programs.

Diversity Scholarships

We currently offer different types of partial scholarships for women and emerging market leaders (25% and 50%).

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Information for taxpayers in Germany:

The tuition fees for WHU Executive Education Programs are tax-deductible as anticipated professional expenses. For detailed information please contact your legal tax advisor.

Bildungsurlaub in NRW

In Germany, employees have the opportunity to apply for “Bildungsurlaub”; additional time off work granted in addition to normal vacation, as a support of lifelong learning. Since March 2020, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is according to §123 Abs. 1 BerlHG officially a recognized “Bildungsurlaub” institution in NRW.

“Bildungsurlaub” means that you are – by law – allowed to attend courses on special kinds of topics during your working time - up to 5 working days per year.

More information(PDF, 137 KB)

More Questions? Contact us
More Questions? Contact usNikola Nakov & Yvonne KrackAdmissions Team Executive Education Open Programs