On this page you will find information on financing options for WHU’s Executive Education programs.
We currently offer different types of partial scholarships for women and emerging market leaders (25% and 50%).
The tuition fees for WHU Executive Education Programs are tax-deductible as anticipated professional expenses. For detailed information please contact your legal tax advisor.
In Germany, employees have the opportunity to apply for “Bildungsurlaub”; additional time off work granted in addition to normal vacation, as a support of lifelong learning. Since March 2020, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is according to §123 Abs. 1 BerlHG officially a recognized “Bildungsurlaub” institution in NRW.
“Bildungsurlaub” means that you are – by law – allowed to attend courses on special kinds of topics during your working time - up to 5 working days per year.