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Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth

Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth

Get ready to challenge your ability to implement strategy in a complex, dynamic market environment
  • Date
    • until
  • Application Deadline
  • Duration3 days
  • LocationDüsseldorf
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Fees€3,950.00

Get ready to challenge your ability to implement strategy in a complex, dynamic market environment

How good is our strategy? Which markets are profitable for us? How valuable is our market positioning? How can we achieve operational excellence? WHU’s Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth Program will help you find answers to these questions. Test your strategic mind, implement a business strategy and execute it in a competitive environment. WHU’s Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth Program challenges experienced professionals to enhance their strategy implementation skills.

You will be awarded a WHU Executive Education Certificate after successfully completing the program.

Suitable for participants with at least:
Program Faculty

Program Content

WHU’s Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth Program enhances your ability to implement corporate strategy in a high-velocity and complex market environment. The Program draws on the professional experience of you and your peers and applies it in an experiential learning setting. Team effectiveness in implementing and executing strategy strongly depends on soft skills and how teams bring them together.

A glimpse of what you can expect:

This Executive Education program has been in particular developed for experienced professionals. It offers a vivid action-based learning experience of strategy making and execution. In a multiple-round simulated industry competition, participants are divided into teams, which act as board of executive directors and run their firm in a world full of uncertainty and surprises. Teams design their business strategy, present it to a supervisory board for approval and implement it. Strategy execution happens in an increasingly complex market setting of competitive strategic interaction. Round per round teams need to make decisions concerning typical business functions, such as purchasing, production, marketing & sales, finance, human resources, and R&D.

As decision-makers, you not only play the strategist’s game and try to anticipate competitors’ moves. You also need to get your “hands dirty” by dealing with the nitty-gritty details of organizational alignment to achieve cost efficiency and operational excellence in the face of demanding customers, fierce competition, and vested stakeholder interest.

Are you a strategist? Are you ready for the challenge?

Program Benefits

The WHU program “ Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth”

  • …enhances your ability to formulate and execute a business strategy in a highly competitive, complex market environment.
  • …enables you to use tools of economic analysis to anticipate competitors’ actions, understand the consequences of environmental changes and make investment decisions.
  • …prompts you to use financing tools to leverage your business and use cost and productivity analyses to optimize operational performance.
  • …challenges your leadership and management skills to deal with the increasing complexity of your firm (interrelated business functions) and accomplish multiple tasks under severe time pressure.

Participant Profile

  • Experienced professionals from all business functions, general managers, and business owners who are interested in strategy implementation.
  • This program is particularly suitable for past participants of our “Strategic Decision Making Program”.
  • Participants should have at least 8 years of professional experience and 2 years of experience making strategic or tactical decisions.
  • Business background is not required.

The minimum number of participants for this program is 12.

Program Format and Module Dates

This 3-day program runs at WHU Campus Düsseldorf.

Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth

 - , Düsseldorf

Expand your Strategic Skillset - now at a special price

Our two WHU programs "Strategic Decision-Making" and "Strategy Execution for Organizational Growth", are specifically designed for experienced managers and executives to successfully lead their teams or companies in a fast-paced and complex market environment. Apply for both programs and benefit from a special price of € 6,900 instead of the regular fee of € 7,900.

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More Questions? Contact usNikola Nakov & Yvonne KrackAdmissions Team Executive Education Open Programs