WHU’s Executive Education #2 in Germany
WHU among Germany’s best Executive Education program providers, placing #33 worldwide in the 2024 Financial Times ranking for Open Programs.Learn more!


Core competencies of the CEO of tomorrow

Anything can be trained: Core competencies of the CEO of tomorrow

Nowadays, executives are facing a multitude of challenges: How can their organization be and stay successful in times of globalized economies? How does digital transformation affect their industry, their company? Is their business model endangered to be turned upside down by disruptive innovation? And: How can top talent be attracted and retained – a generation Y workforce that is not only asking for flexibility but is also keen on knowing how the organization they are working for “gives back to society”?

A current article in the German HR magazine “Personalführung 12/2017-1/2018” discusses the core competencies of future CEOs and shows how Executive Education programs can support these competencies. WHU´s General Management Plus Program is featured in the article.

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