A five-day Executive Education Program will take place in September 2018
In cooperation with Deutsche StiftungsAkademie gGmbH (DSA), WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is offering a special Management Program for Non-Profit Executives [„Management Programm für Non-Profit Führungskräfte“] for the first time in fall 2018. The aim of the five-day Executive Education Program is to systematically expand participants’ strategic toolkit, offer them fresh ideas and open up networks to qualify them for a possible next step in their development in the non-profit setting.
The non-profit sector is undergoing far-reaching change – triggered not only by digitalization and internationalization but also by social innovation and an increase in underlying entrepreneurial attitude. Dr. Andrea Rudolph, Managing Director of DSA, sees a need for action here: “At DSA, we want to systematically address managers’ related training needs. The expertise and the network in these thematic areas make WHU an ideal strategic partner for us.”
The Executive Education Program specifically addresses the organizational, financial and legal framework conditions of non-profit organizations. The team of lecturers has been specifically recruited from academia, from among experienced coaches for the third sector, and from among selected practitioners in the foundation sector. From among the academic lecturers, among others, Professor Dr. Christian Schlereth, Chairholder in Digital Marketing at WHU, and Professor Dr. Georg Stadtmann, Chair of Economics, in particular Economic Theory (Macroeconomics), European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), provide learning sessions to participants in questions of digitalization and behavioral finance. Two experienced coaches are on board for issues in leadership and agile methods: Nicole Dufft, fibonacci & friends; and Tobias Leipprand of Mercator LEAD. Uta-Micaela Dürig, Chief Executive Officer of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, and Dr. Carsten Rübsaamen, CEO & Co-Founder BOOKBRIDGE, round out the training portfolio with case studies on the strategic transformation of foundations and social entrepreneurship.
The Management Program for Non-Profit Executives will be held from September 17 to 21, 2018, at the WHU Campus in Düsseldorf. The target groups for the program are executives and top talents from the foundation and non-profit sector with at least five years of leadership experience.