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First WHU Advanced Management Program

From November 6 - 10, 2017 the first Advanced Management Program (AMP) took place at WHU Campus Düsseldorf. Twenty senior professionals with highly diverse industry backgrounds embarked on a learning expedition that tracked them from tough lessons learned as a board member to matters of corporate transformation and inspirational leadership.

The AMP participants, in particular, valued the exceptional team of facilitators from both academia and the corporate world: Whereas Prof. Karl-Ludwig Kley, former CEO of Merck KGaA and honorary professor of WHU talked about his “Lessons learned as a CEO”, Matthias Hartmann, former CEO of GfK gave insights into successes and failures in digital transformation. WHU faculty member Prof. Jochen Menges contributed insights into emotional intelligence. WHU’s Prof. Miriam Müthel encouraged participants to learn from failure. Creativity and agility were at the core of Prof. Christoph Hienerth’s sessions on visual thinking and business development.

“During this very intense 5-day program, the participants benefit from different teaching approaches, including peer-to-peer coaching, reflecting teams, and acting. Next to growing personally as an executive leader and acquiring new insights into relevant topics, networking is one of the key assets of the AMP”, says Dr. Rebecca Winkelmann, Managing Director Executive Education at WHU.

The next AMP will take place from October 22-26, 2018 in Düsseldorf.

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